Monday, March 7, 2011

Irish Cheese Curds at Dublin's Irish Pub, Oshkosh, WI

Last week I ventured out to Dublin's Irish Pub for some fish and chips, and while I was there I decided to try their Irish Cheese Curds. To say I was pleasantly surprised would be an understatement. These little nuggets of cheesy deliciousness were absolutely wonderful.

Now these cheese curds had a very unique batter.  It makes for a different than normal taste, but one that is surprisingly good.  The curds were browned to absolute perfection.  There was enough crunch to not be greasy, but they were still delicate enough to not be tough.

The cheese was a very good flavor, creamy and salty.  However the cheese didn't stretch as well as I would have hoped and seemed just a touch on the chewy side.  But the flavor was absolutely exceptional.  

These curds can absolutely stand on their own, but with a bit of ranch sauce they are divine. 

Out of a ten point scale Dublin's Irish Pub's Curds score:
8 out of 10

They are definitely worth taking a trip for.

Your guide to the fried,


  1. Actually they are served on wax paper that is designed to look like Newspaper.

  2. I love cheese curds! My wife is from Montreal so there's a constant supply.

    Back home in Belfast they are unknown. In fact, they are unknown throughout the UK and Ireland!

    So it's funny that they're sold in a Irish themed pub in the US, although I also saw a "Belfast Burger" in Canada which included Pineapple (yeah, I know).

    Let me tell you, in Belfast we DO NOT put Pineapple in our burgers! In fact most people just go to McDonalds & Burger King.

    Ah the irony...
